*** The only App designed for AMEB Grade 1-8 Aural Test!
*** Up to 1,200 exam mock questions
*** More than 500,000 users worldwide
*** 94% users find aural skills improved after regular usage
AURALBOOK for AMEB Grade 1-8 is based on latest AMEB (Australian Music Examinations Board) syllabus.
Students can select their respective grade and start practising in an easy and fun way, anytime, anywhere to enhance pitch, rhythm and listening capabilities!
+ Singing performance analysis displayed on the original music sheet to help improve accuracy
+ Human voice instructions
+ Detects and analyse pitch, beat, rhythm and strength of clapping
+ Detailed explanation in the listening part - not just correct or wrong
+ Users’ performances can be shared on the server www.playnote.com for teachers to monitor practice progresses
+ As if a music trainer is right beside you
Start your free trial now and make the best of AURALBOOK to elevate your music skills!
**Playnote Limited is not associated in any way with AMEB**